Our Community

  • Le Cirque de la Nuit

    Beneath the moon's soft glow, with masks aglow, behold! Two jugglers, masters of the toss, with jest and glee, they'll surely boss. Round and round, they'll spin and sway, enchanting all at our masquerade's play.

    But wait, above, in the starry sky, two aerialists dance, oh my, oh my! With grace untold, they soar on high, painting dreams across the night's soft sigh.

    Twice they'll perform, their magic we'll adore, at our Midsummer Masquerade, we yearn for more!

  • Book Bound Besties Podcast

    In Montreal's cozy cafes, where stories entwine, two bookish girls, their friendship divine. On the airwaves, their voices soar, in the Book Bound Besties Podcast lore. With laughter and tales, they chatter away, in literary realms, they dance and play.

    So head to their page, let your imagination gleam, for in their podcast world, dreams redeem.

  • Silver Haunt Amoury

    In the heart of Ontario's wild embrace, there dwells a girl, a maker with grace. With hammer and stitch, she crafts with glee, armor and leather, fit for a fantasy.

    Brittany, the artisan bold and true, her creations sparkle, they're tried and true. From gleaming plates to soft leather folds, she spins tales untold in her workshop's hold.

    So if adventure calls, don't hesitate, commission Brittany, and elevate! Armor and goods of the finest array, from Ontario's haven, she'll lead the way.

  • New Moon Technocraft

    In Ontario's rolling hills, where tales are spun, there thrives a family, their work second to none.

    With olden charm and tech anew, their leather goods are born, tried and true. From ancient techniques to modern flair, each piece crafted with utmost care.

    In their workshop, dreams take flight, a blend of tradition and innovation's light.

    So if leather treasures are what you seek, join their story, strong and unique.

  • Scarlett Geek Cosplay

    In Calgary's bustling streets, where dreams take flight, there dwells Alicia, with creative might.

    Scarlett Geek Cosplay, her whimsy unfurled, crafting dresses, crowns, and circlets that swirl.

    From fairytale gowns to crowns of gold, in her workshop's embrace, tales unfold.

    So seize the moment, don't delay, commission Alicia today!

  • Tea Scott FX

    In Calgary's charming streets, where the mountains sing, resides Tea, a master with a magical swing.

    Her resume sparkles with movie magic's embrace, prosthetics for heroes, villains, and creatures with grace. From "Reacher" to "Fargo" to "Five Nights at Freddy's" delight, Tea's artistry shines in the cinematic light.

    With skill and precision, she crafts wonders untold, in Calgary's haven, her talent unfolds.

  • Studio Garrity

    In a quaint corner of creativity's realm, resides a mama with Garrity at the helm. With brushes and pens, her talents twirl, crafting custom images, each a pearl.

    From canvas to clay, she weaves her spell, in mediums aplenty, her art does swell. So come one, come all, let your dreams take flight, at Studio Garrity, where imagination alights.

  • Oksana's

    Oksana's South beams with delight, near Chinook Centre, a treasure trove so grand, with gowns aplenty, crafted by hand.

    For ticket holders, a special treat in store, 10% off, as they enter through the door.

    In a warehouse vast, dreams alight, where gowns whisper tales of the night.

    So come, dear guest, let your heart be free, at Oksana's South, where magic weaves seamlessly.

  • Bathala International

    In Calgary's vibrant streets, where dreams take flight, Bathala International, a beacon of light.

    With tickets in hand, guests delight, for 20% off, their journey takes flight.